Robert Rudolf

MetaMallette is a device used to play music and computer-assisted music and images in real-time and in a group. Meta-Mallette uses algorithms that come from Puce Muse researches on the relationship between gesture, sound, and image in collaboration with other research centers. 


A demonstration of the device took place February 19, 2014.

The workshop has four meetings during which participants will learn to use MetaMallette interface  (joystick) to create a sound and visual content, and finally, they will design multimedia pieces played during the JAS / JIM organized in collaboration with Musinfo in ENSA, Bourges.

This joystick, usually used for flight simulator games, is set to play the sound samples, project images and video clips. It's a gestural, programmable and intuitive interface. It offers several modes of sound play and image diffusion.


workshop animated by Robert Rudolf
Days in March, April and May, 2014


Concerts :

May 19 in Tours

May 21 in Bourges

May 23 in Orléans