Interchange, education, culture, science
(May 19 to 23, 2014)
March 26-27, April 9-10, May 7-8 2014
Workshops :
Pedagogical workshops / Gestual interfaces - Joystick Melody Makers (ENSA Bourges)
May 19 2014
Day I / Interchange
2 pm-4 pm Conference / Concert - Conservatoire de Tours composition class
4 pm-5 pm Musica Mundana - Open work (Sound Planetarium)
5 pm-6 pm Musica Mundana - Sounds of the universe (Sound Planetarium)
9 pm-11 pm Evening Concert - Studies of knowledge I (Auditorium of the Conservatoire)
Improvisations from Bourges Beaux Arts students - Joystick Melody Makers :
Systèmes Dynamiques
…vu d’un autre angle…
Cage : Atlas Eclipticalis
Saariaho : Noa-Noa
Lochard / Dury : Étude pour deux Karlax
Risset : Voilements
Barrière : Chréode
Reich : Reed Phase
(Novakova - flute, Bertocchi - sax, Lochard - karlax, Dury - karlax)
May 20, 2014
Day II / Sharing
2 pm - 4 pm Musica Mundana - Open Work (Planétarium Sonore)
Installation : 
18h-20h Musica Mundana - Sounds of the universe (Sound planetarium)
May 21, 2014
Day III / Captation
10 am-6 pm Computer Science Days (Journées d'Informatique Musicale) - 1st day of the compendium (ENSA Bourges)
2 pm-4 pm Musica Mundana - Open Work (Sound Planetarium)
Installation : 
6 pm-8 pm Musica Mundana - Sound of the universe (Sound Planetarium)
Concert : 
9 pm-11 pm Evening Concert - Capture / Generate (Le Nadir)
Improvisations from Bourges Beaux Arts students - Joystick Melody Makers :
Systèmes Dynamiques
…vu d’un autre angle…
Z'EV : Elemental Electronics
Mays : Presque Rien pour Karlax
Lochard / Dury : Étude pour deux Karlax
(Z'EV - perc.el., Lochard - karlax, Dury - karlax, Mays - karlax)
May 22, 2014
Day IV / Transformation
Conférences :
9 am-5 pm Computer Science Days (Journées d'Informatique Musicale) - 2nd day of the compendium (ENSA Bourges)
2 pm-4 pm Musica Mundana - Open Work (Sound Planetarium)
5 pm-6 pm Musica Mundana - Sound of the universe (Sound Planetarium)
Concert : 
7:30 pm-9 pm Evening concert - Perform / Transform (Théâtre Saint-Bonnet)
Winners of the 1st International Composition Competition for acoustic instruments and electronics announced:
Saariaho : Noa-Noa
Maresz : Metallics
Risset : Voilements
Reich : Reed Phase
(Opus Centrum Ensemble : Novakova - flute, Bertocchi - sax, Nardeau - trumpet)
May 23, 2014
Day V / Sonification
9 am-16 pm Computer Science Days (Journées d'Informatique Musicale) - 3rd day of the compendium (ENSA Bourges)
12 am - 14 pm Musica Mundana - Open Work (Sound Planetarium)
3 pm-5 pm Musica Mundana - Sound of the universe (Sound Planetarium)
Evening Concert: 
8:30 pm-10:30 pm Evening concert - Knowledge studies II (Le Bouillon)
Improvisations from Bourges Beaux Arts students - Joystick Melody Makers :
Systèmes Dynamiques
…vu d’un autre angle…
Maresz : Metallics
Mays : Presque Rien pour Karlax
Barrière : Chréode
Risset : Voilements
(Bertocchi - sax, Nardeau - trumpet, Mays - karlax, Rudolf - méta-mallette)
Sound Planetarium - Musica Mundana :
(Art is inspired by science / Science listens to art)
Concerts - Open Work
Pièces des compositeurs du monde entier pour un support sur le thème de l'Art et Science
Pieces from composers aorund the world about Art and Science
Installations - Sound of the universe
Diennet : Cosmophone Stars Peace 2 (elementary particles)
Risset : Electron-Positron elementary particles)
Grisey : Noir d’étoile (pulsars sound)
Cage : Atlas Eclipticalis (stellar cartography)
Parker : Supernova Sonata (explosion of stars)
Malt / Brohon : Parcours (image and sound)
Mihalic : Terra (plasma spectres)
northern Lights
Saariaho / Barrière : Nox Borealis
Strauch : Twinkle of lights
Munakata : Guardian of Genom (ADN)
Cothenet / Martin : Voyage au microscope électronique (observation of the living)
Castro : Heliotropika (living cells)
Goudarzi : Klima-anlage (weather)